Cyflawniad anhygoel gan y Tîm Dan 12! Mae sicrhau buddugoliaeth o 43-0 yn erbyn tîm sydd, yn hanesyddol, wedi bod yn anorchfygol yn brawf o’u gwaith caled, eu gwaith tîm, a’u penderfyniad. Llongyfarchiadau mawr i’r chwaraewyr am eu perfformiad rhagorol—am foment i’w chofio i’r tîm!
Diolch arbennig i Dan Jones am gamu i mewn fel dyfarnwr. Sicrhaodd ei arbenigedd a’i allu i reoli’r gêm ei bod nid yn unig yn deg ond hefyd yn bleserus i bawb a gymerodd ran. Diwrnod gwych i’r tîm a’r cefnogwyr fel ei gilydd—da iawn bawb! **** What an outstanding achievement for the Under 12s! Securing a 43-0 victory against a team that has historically been unbeatable is a testament to their hard work, teamwork, and determination. Huge congratulations to the players for their stellar performance—what a memorable moment for the team!
Special thanks to Dan Jones for stepping up as referee. His expertise and ability to manage the game ensured it was not only fair but also enjoyable for everyone involved. A brilliant day for the team and supporters alike—well done to all!
Hyfforddwr Tîm dan 12 / U12s Coach - Mark Wilson
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