
06 June 2024 / Club News

☀️ Denbigh Midsummer Festival ☀️

☀️ Gŵyl Ganol Haf Dinbych ☀️ 
☀️ Denbigh Midsummer Festival ☀️

(Scroll down for the English) 

Ar ôl llwyddiant ein digwyddiad llynedd, mae Clwb Rygbi Dinbych yn falch iawn o gefnogi Gŵyl Ganol Haf Dinbych eto eleni.
Os oes gennych blentyn rhwng 8-12 oed dewch â nhw draw i Gaeau Les Phillips i gymryd rhan mewn sesiwn hyfforddiant AM DDIM.
Cyfle gwych i ddysgu sgiliau rygbi newydd, cadw'n heini a chael hwyl. 

Bydd lluniaeth ar gael a BBQ ar ôl y sesiwn.

Croeso i rieni wylio’r sesiwn.

RHAID cofrestru i fynychu'r sesiwn. Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod. 


After the success of last years event, Clwb Rygbi Dinbych are proud to support Denbigh's Mid Summer Festival again this year.
If you have a child between 8-12 years old bring them over to Caeau Les Phillips to take part in a training session FOR FREE.
A great opportunity to learn new rugby skills, keep fit and have fun. 

Refreshments available and BBQ after the training session. 

Parents are welcome to attend and watch the session. 

MUST register! Click on the link  below to register.

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